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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Developmental Psychology (m/f/d; 100%, 2+ years)

The “Developmental Computational Psychiatry” lab and the W3 professorship “Computational Psychiatry” at the Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Tübingen is led by Tobias Hauser and focuses on understanding the neural and computational mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, and predicting disorder trajectories using computational modelling, neuroimaging, pharmacology and smartphone-based data collection in clinical and non-clinical populations.

We now invite applications for a

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Developmental Psychology (m/f/d; 100%, 2+ years)

This position is suited for researchers who have finished or are about to finish their PhD in a relevant discipline, such as developmental cognitive neuroscience or developmental psychology. The ideal candidate is self-motivated, comfortable with both analytic and critical thinking, and has a strong background in developmental psychology and decision making. They should have rich experience in behaviroual testing of children and adolescents (in schools and/or in the lab). Experience with computational modelling of behaviour and / or longitudinal data analysis will complement the candidate’s profile. The candidate should have good programming skills and a good publication record. Experience of working in clinical samples would be a plus but is not mandatory. Command of the German language is needed.

What we offer:

The position is funded by an Alexander-von-Humboldt-Professorship award to Peter Dayan and is initially limited to 2 years with the possibility of a further extension. We offer remuneration in accordance with TV-L (collective wage agreement for the Public Service of the German Federal States) in addition to all the customary benefits granted to employees working in Public Services. 

The position is based at the University Hospital of Tübingen and part of the expanding Developmental Computational Psychiatry research group based both at Tübingen and the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research in London. You will be able to work on cutting-edge topics in developmental computational neuroscience and developmental computational psychiatry. You will have the chance to work together with local and international experts, such as Prof. Peter Dayan, MPI for Biological Cybernetics and his group or Prof. Kou Murayama, Hector Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology. 

There are no formal teaching duties, allowing full flexibility for conducting research. There will be opportunities to mentor and work with PhD and MSc students working on related topics.

About Tübingen:

Tübingen is a scenic university town on the Neckar River in South-Western Germany. The quality of life is exceptionally high and the atmosphere is diverse, inclusive, and most locals speak English. Tübingen offers excellent research opportunities due to the University, four Max Planck institutes, the University Hospital, and Europe’s largest AI research consortium. You can find out more about Tübingen here:

How to apply: 

If you are interested in the position, please get in touch with Tobias Hauser via email enclosing your CV.

For formal applications, please send a motivation letter, your CV, up to two representative publications, and the contact information of two referees as a single PDF to Susan Fischer ( The University of Tübingen is an equal opportunities employer. Severely handicapped persons with equal qualifications are given preferential consideration. Applications of qualified women academics are thus especially encouraged; applications of disabled persons will be given preferential treatment to those of other candidates with equal qualifications. Please note the applicable vaccination regulations.

The employment will be arranged by the central administration of the University of Tübingen. Preference will be given to applications received by 21 July, 2024, but applications might be considered thereafter until the position is filled.


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Developmental Psychology (m/f/d; 100%, 2+ years)

Full time
Doctoral Qualification
Deutsch, Englisch
Prof. Dr.

Published on 12.06.2024

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