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Akademische*r Rätin*Rat* auf Zeit (m/w/d)

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Akademische*r Rätin*Rat* auf Zeit (m/w/d)

At the Department 05 Psychology and Sports Sciences (Chair of Educational Psychology, Research Unit
Educational Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, Prof. Dr. Samuel Greiff), a position for a

Research Associate as temporary civil servant (m/f/d)
(A 13, 100% full-time)

is available starting on 01.03.2024, or at the earliest possible date. The position is limited to 36 months and can be
extended taking into account the maximum limitation possible according to legal regulations.
The position is located in the newly established research unit within the Chair of Educational Psychology and allows for
broad teaching and research activities on application-relevant topics at the intersection of Educational Psychology,
Educational Sciences, Computer Science, and Cognitive Sciences. The research areas of the unit include educational
challenges in the 21st century, the integration of AI and Educational Technology in teaching and learning from an
educational-psychological perspective, transversal competencies and equality in education, as well as international
education comparative studies and school monitoring.

We are a dynamic team with an international focus, dedicated to conducting exciting research and delivering excellent
teaching in the heart of Hesse, fostering personal and professional growth. The advertised position provides the
opportunity to pursue individual research interests. Habilitation projects are supported both materially and personally.
Additionally, extensive established collaborations on an international level (e.g., in the areas of School Monitoring or
Educational Technologies) are in place and will support your academic career.

What We Expect From You
We are looking for a highly motivated team member who demonstrates commitment to teaching and research,
establishes independent research priorities with the aim of Habilitation, and reliably participates in administrative tasks
as well as generally supports the teaching and research activities of the research unit. Support for the research unit in
teaching for the bachelor's and master's programs, the national and international publication of research and project
results as well as involvement in grant application activities for acquiring third-party funding, are also expected.

Your responsibilities include independent research with the goal of your own scientific qualification (i.e., Habilitation) and
teaching (4 units per semester). This involves close collaboration with international partners, the development of
teaching concepts with a focus on teaching and learning with AI, as well as acquiring third-party funding and high-
ranking publication activities.

Your Profile
If the following points apply to you, we encourage you to apply:

 D. in Psychology, Educational Sciences, Computer Science, or a related field

 Record of international publications and research activities

 Experience in acquiring third-party funding and university teaching experience are an advantage

 Strong interest in the research topics of the research unit

 Intention to pursue further scientific qualification (Habilitation)

 Methodical and organized approach to scientific work, showcasing strong organizational skills

 Proficiency in social science research methodology, coupled with hands-on experience in quantitative data analysis

 Exceptional proficiency in relevant statistical software (e.g., SPSS, Mplus, R)

 Experience in interdisciplinary and international project work, preferably in third-party funded projects

 Good English language skills in both written and spoken communication are desirable

 Ability to work independently, strong personal commitment, ability to work under pressure, teamwork & cooperation
skills, administrative skills, creativity, determination

 Last but not least enthusiasm about, high commitment for, and enjoyment in research and teaching

What You Can Expect From Us

 Salary grade aligned with the civil servant salary structure of the state of Hesse in group 13 (A13) and under
consideration of individual levels of experience (“Erfahrungsstufen”)

 Benefits according to the regulations of Goethe University (currently, for example, a free ticket for public
transportation in Hessen)

 Social benefits, regulated working hours according to the regulations of Goethe University

 Support in your individual scientific profile building and qualification (Habilitation)

 Well-established networks with international partners and diverse cooperation opportunities in research, practice, and

 Involvement in a committed and dynamically evolving team, with integration into an active research group boasting a
diverse array of activities

 Opportunity to contribute to the sustainable development of a newly established research unit and to actively shape
your working environment

The Goethe University is committed to a policy of providing equal employment opportunities for both men and women
alike, and therefore encourages particularly women to apply for the position/s offered. Individuals with severe disability
will be prioritized in case of equal aptitiude and ability.

Are you intrigued by our job posting? If so, we look forward to receiving your application, including the usual
documents (CV, cover letter, list of teaching and publications) in one PDF. Please submit them electronically (as a single
PDF document) by 14.02.2024 to Prof. Dr. Samuel Greiff, Goethe University, at

Akademische*r Rätin*Rat* auf Zeit (m/w/d)

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main
Full time, Temporary position
Doctoral Qualification
Deutsch, Englisch

Published on 06.03.2024

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