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University assistant predoctoral, University of Vienna (30h/week)

At the University of Vienna, a community of over 10,000 individuals, including approximately 7,500 academic staff members, passionately pursuing answers to the profound questions that shape our future. They represent individuals driven by curiosity and a relentless pursuit of excellence. With us, they find the space to try things out and unfold their potential. Are you inspired by their passion and determination? We are currently seeking a/an

University assistant predoctoral 

47 Faculty of Psychology  

Job vacancy starting: 10/01/2024  | Working hours:  30,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) 

Limited contract until: 09/30/2027

Job ID: 2660

We announce two University Assistant positions (Predoc, limited to three years) within the project "Evolution of Human Intelligence: The Flynn Effect." in the Individual Differences Research, Personality Psychology, and Psychological Assessment Unit (https://diff-diag-psy.univie.ac.at), headed by Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Jakob Pietschnig at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. The Unit’s research research focuses particularly on (i) cognitive abilities, their foundations, correlates, and changes over time (intra- and interindividual), (ii) the development, application, and validation of cognitive tests, and (iii) the validity of empirical study effects. Our methodological focuses include the quantitative analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, research synthesis approaches (especially meta-analysis), and IRT-based (experimental) approaches. We offer excellent working conditions in a motivated and experienced team, as well as international collaborations and intensive support for early-career researchers. The successful candidates are expected to work on and complete their PhD within this project.

Duration of Contract:
The contract duration upon employment is 3 years. Initially limited to 1.5 years, the employment relationship will be automatically extended to 3 years unless the employer issues a non-extension declaration within the first 12 months.

Your personal sphere of influence:

As a project university assistant (predoc), you will join the team of the research project "Evolution of Human Intelligence: The Flynn Effect." The team is led by Jakob Pietschnig and consists of two project university assistants (predoc) and a research assistant. Furthermore, the unit comprises an assistant professor, a senior lecturer, a university assistant (predoc), and research assistants. Within this project, successful candidates are expected to complete a doctorate within the structured doctoral program of the "Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience from Biology to Psychology and the Humanities" (VDS CoBeNe; https://vds-cobene.univie.ac.at/).

Your future tasks:

You actively participate in research, teaching & administration, which means:

  • Planning and conducting empirical studies
  • Publishing research results in international scientific journals
  • Assisting in securing third-party funding
  • Contributing to the organization of and participating in meetings, conferences, and symposia
  • Working on and completing the dissertation
  • Completing a dissertation agreement within 6-12 months is expected
  • Participation in university teaching is possible, if candidates are interested

This is part of your personality:

  • Degree (Bachelor and Master or Diploma) in Psychology
  • Strong interest in intelligence research
  • Previous experience in planning, conducting, and statistically analyzing empirical studies
  • Advanced knowledge of statistical data analysis software (preferred: SPSS, R) and willingness to deepen this knowledge
  • Good knowledge of quantitative analysis methods and motivation to further develop methodological skills
  • Very good command of English, both written and spoken
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Strong organizational skills
  • High level of commitment, initiative, and independence


  • Initial publication experience
  • Motivation to contribute to university teaching
  • Good command of German, both written and spoken

What we offer:

  • Doctorate under good supervision in the field of Individual Differences Research and Psychological Assessment
  • Start of an academic career in a motivated team
  • Training and supervision: We offer you the opportunity to expand and deepen your skills, such as the application of advanced statistical methods.
  • Participation in international scientific exchange, for example, at conferences and in training programs offered by the Human Resources Development and the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Vienna
  • Inspiring working environment: You are part of an international team with excellent research infrastructure in a stimulating working atmosphere.
  • Teaching experience at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels
  • Fair salary: The base salary is EUR 3,578.80 gross (based on a 40-hour full-time position; see salary scheme: https://personalwesen.univie.ac.at/jobs-recruiting/gehaltsschema/)
  • Equal opportunities for all: We welcome every new personality to our team

It is that easy to apply:

  • We look forward to receiving your meaningful application through the Job Center including the following documents:
  • Cover letter (max. 2 pages)
  • Academic CV
  • List of publications (if available)
  • Copy of degree certificates
  • Copy of Master's thesis, diploma thesis, or other manuscripts (optional)
  • Letters of recommendation and/or references (optional)
  • Description of teaching experience (optional)
  • Apply via https://jobs.univie.ac.at/job/University-assistant-predoctoral/1091049001/

If you have any questions, please contact:

Jakob Pietschnig  


We look forward to new personalities in our team! 
The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.

University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.

Data protection
​Application deadline: 07/26/2024 

University assistant predoctoral, University of Vienna (30h/week)

Teilzeit, Befristete Festanstellung
0 Jahre
Master-Abschluss, Diplom-Abschluss
Deutsch, Englisch
Prof. Dr.

Veröffentlicht am 06.07.2024

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