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  Department of
Business Administration
Chair of HRM and Leadership
Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges
Plattenstrasse 14
8032 Zurich, Switzerland
The Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership at the University of Zurich
will be led by Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges from August 2018 onward, and he is currently recruiting a
new team. As part of these efforts, we are currently looking for

A Post-Doctoral Researcher

As a post-doctoral researcher, you will develop, manage, write-up and publish research in one or
more of the Chair‘s four core research areas (leadership, emotion, motivation, and/or people
analytics). You will help crafting and manage applications for third-party funding in support of the
Chair’s research activities. You will have the opportunity to design and co-teach a course or two
with Professor Menges. You engage in student supervision and offer guidance for doctoral
students in their projects. As part of a newly formed team, you take initiative to establish the Chair
as a leading platform for research, teaching, outreach, and impact.

Your qualifications include…
• a completed or nearly completed PhD degree or its equivalent in Business or Psychology or
neighboring fields, with a special emphasis on one of the Chair’s four core research areas
• publication potential in top-tier management or psychology journals as evident in published
papers, submitted papers that are invited for revision, or working papers
• excellent oral and written English, as evidenced in a PhD dissertation written in English
• a very good understanding of quantitative methods, including study design and statistical
analyses, and a very good command of relevant software packages, such as R, Mplus, Stata,
and/or SPSS
• good presentation skills, as evident in conference presentations; teaching experience (ideally
with formal student evaluations) is a plus
• a devotion to writing; experience with popular writing (for outlets such as blogs, magazines, or
newspapers) is a plus
• the ability to work in a team, curiosity and discipline, self-reliance and initiative-taking, as well
as integrity and creativity

You have the opportunity…
• to advance your academic career at an internationally renowned research university and to
partake in extensive career development with the aim of obtaining an assistant professorship
• to work with leading scholars through collaborative research projects
• to be part of and guide a dynamic team that is dedicated to top-tier research, inspirational
teaching and impactful outreach while fostering a positive working atmosphere
• to work in a well-equipped, state-of-the-art research infrastructure

  Department of
Business Administration
Chair of HRM and Leadership
Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges
Plattenstrasse 14
8032 Zurich, Switzerland
• to live in a city where the quality of life is among the best in the world
• to hold a post-doc position (50 - 80% negotiable) that gives you up to three years to develop
your academic career and provides you with a competitive salary, in line with the university’s
compensation scheme

About us:
The University of Zurich is one of the leading research universities in Europe and enjoys an
excellent international reputation. With scholars and students from all over the world, the Faculty
of Business, Economics and Information Technology engages with the important economic and
social questions of our times and addresses them through cutting-edge research.
The Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership is part of the Department of Business
Administration within the Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Technology. In our
research, we focus on the social dynamics between leaders and followers and on the role of
emotions and motivation in organizational life. We employ primarily quantitative methods and
conduct carefully controlled experiments as well as field and archival studies in organizations; we
also use big data and related approaches in people analytics. We publish our findings in widely
read top-tier academic journals, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization
Science, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. We also share our findings beyond academia in
practitioner-oriented journals such as Harvard Business Review. Our research is frequently
covered in the media around the world, for example, by the BBC, CNN, The Economist, The
Financial Times, Le Monde, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, and Die Zeit. Through our research
and the communication of our findings in traditional and social media, we seek to inspire public
debate on issues that are – or should be – at the top of the agenda for leaders and organizations.
Our research informs our teaching. We give our students at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral
Level a broad overview of people issues within organizations, through our courses, for example,
on Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Leadership. We also help
leaders and those who aspire to be leaders, to become more effective, for example, through our
Executive Programs. In our research, teaching and consulting, we have worked with companies
from around the world, among them Ambrosetti, British Telecom, Google, Jaguar Land Rover,
L'Oreal, Microsoft, Nordea, Save the Children, Trivago, The World Bank, and startup incubators
such as Plug & Play in Silicon Valley and The Venture Cafe Foundation in Boston.
The Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership thus provides a highly research-
oriented environment in which people meet and work together to answer big questions, inspired
by challenges that leaders and corporations currently and in the future face. We give aspiring
researchers an opportunity to grow their academic careers in a collaborative setting with a global
outlook, and we foster a startup spirit that allows all members of the Chair to shape and contribute
to the Chair’s goal of developing a leading platform for rigorous research, inspirational teaching,
effective outreach, and organizational and societal impact.

  Department of
Business Administration
Chair of HRM and Leadership
Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges
Plattenstrasse 14
8032 Zurich, Switzerland
About Zurich:
Located in the heart of Europe, Zurich is an important economic, cultural, and social center. The
image of the largest city in Switzerland is dominated by its beautiful location on Lake Zurich and
the Limmat River, its stunning views of the Alps on the horizon, numerous local recreation areas,
and urban diversity. Around 390,000 people from more than 160 different countries live in Zurich.
Zurich offers something for everyone: culinary flights of fancy, limitless shopping, numerous
cultural and sporting events, Switzerland’s trendiest nightlife, over 50 museums and 100 galleries,
to mention only a few – plus the amazing outdoors of Switzerland with world-class skiing slopes,
hiking trails, and watersports opportunities are just steps away and often accessible with public

How to apply:
Step 1:
Please submit your application in English via e-mail to jochen.menges@uzh.ch. Your application
should consist of the following PDF documents:
First, please put the following documents in this order into a single PDF document:
1. A 2-page cover letter that describes your motivation and research interests, and includes your
contact data, availability for interviews, and potential start date (as per the description of Steps
2, 3, and 4 below)
2. A current academic CV; if applicable, please list publications (academic and/or other),
conference presentations, teaching experience, professional/consulting experience, and
experience with grants and third-party funding
3. An overview of your working papers and ongoing projects (for each paper/project, please
include the title and abstract, the names and affiliations of your co-authors, the target journal,
and the current status of your work, that is whether it is at the idea stage, the data collection
stage, the analysis stage, the write-up stage, or submitted to or invited for an r+r by a journal)
4. Copies of your final transcripts for all university degrees and, optionally, your high school
5. Optionally, any transcripts for tests scores (e.g., TOEFL, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT)
6. Names and contact data including e-mail and phone number for three academic referees
Second, please submit a copy of your PhD dissertation as a separate PDF document.
Third, please submit two publications, manuscripts in the publication process, or working papers.
Submission is on a rolling basis – we accept applications until a l l p o s i t i o n s a r e f i l l e d . W e e n c o u r a g e
you to submit your application as soon as possible.

  Department of
Business Administration
Chair of HRM and Leadership
Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges
Plattenstrasse 14
8032 Zurich, Switzerland
Step 2:
If we see a good fit between your profile and our offer, we would invite you for a skype interview.
For that reason, please provide your skype name in your cover letter.
Step 3:
To get to know each other, we invite successful candidates to Zurich for further interviews between
May, 28 – 30, 2018, or at a later date. Please mark these dates in your calendar and let us know
in your cover letter in case you are not available on any of those dates.
Step 4:
Once we agree to work together, you could start relatively quickly, thus please let us know in your
cover letter by when you would be free to join us and when your desired start date is.

Any questions?
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges at

We look forward to receiving your application!


Universität Zürich
Bachelor, Master/Diplom, Promotion
Englisch, Deutsch

Veröffentlicht am 29.08.2018

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